One of the reasons we created crone + forest was to plant trees. This thread by @BuildSoil helps to explain “why chestnuts”: In my understanding chestnut trees can be implemented as a keystone species to build a community of species that form a food forest! A nutritious, low maintenance, grain replacement. In December of 2020 …
Shop Announcement!
We’ve re-opened our shop in anticipation of our 2022 season. @croneplusforest ANNOUNCEMENT: crone+forest webshop has reopened! ##blackfarmers ##baltimore ##flowers ♬ Autumn, autumn leaves, greenery, frost, tree withering, melancholy(1106743) – G-axis sound music Full Season Shares We’re bringing back full season shares from 2021 but changing things up a little. In 2022, the spring share will …
What is a food forest?
A food forest is a collection of plants, trees, and fungi meant to provide low input food resources for humans and/or animals. To me a food forest should be open to all, provide food, and should focus on low-maintenance plants and fungi. The intention is for the forest to aid in the food sovereignty of …